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about the club

We fly at the West Delray Regional Park, located at 10875 West Atlantic Ave, Delray Beach , FL (1 mile west of State Road 7 to the end of West Atlantic Avenue, right turn into Park). Our field features both 600 foot paved and grass runways along with a separate helicopter and separate drone field.  The purpose of the PBRCA is to promote Radio Control Aircraft Modeling to all. The PBRCA has instructors offering NO CHARGE lessons to members interested in learning how to fly radio controlled airplanes.


The flying site shall is available for use by any non-club member as long as the user is a member in good standing with the AMA. More information on the AMA and a membership application can be found at the AMA web site (


A club member meeting is held the second Saturday of every month (excluding July & August) at 10:00 a.m. at Westervelt Field (the flying field), West Delray Regional Park, 10875 West Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL. For more information, please see our calendar page.


Click here for a l ink to our "Introduction" video.


Click here for a link to a document on the history of the PBRCA and learn "Who We Are."


Why is the field called "Westervelt Field?"   Read about the history of the field by clicking here


We fly a variety of model aircraft: fixed wing scale, sport, sailplanes, and jets along with helicopters and drones.  All shapes and sizes can be seen taking flight.  From the smallest ultra micro to 100+ wing span giants. Electric, gas, glow and turbine power can all be seen flying here at the field.  Come join us! Any non-club member with current AMA membership is welcome.  Please see our Member Services" pages for more information.

club officers

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john scaduto


Thanks to my brother, I learned to fly on a Minimax 700 two channel sailplane using a high start and eventually graduated to an electric powered Great Planes Spectra.  The bug bit hard and the hook went deep.   From there it was a GP PT-40 and then onto my second powered airplane, the venerable Sig 4 Star 40.  Years pass and the planes come and go.  I currently fly glow, gas, and electric  and really enjoy scratch building from plans.   I joined PBRCA in 2016 and it's been a blast ever since.

tom severino

Vice President


Retired after 38 years from General Electric with a background in electrical engineering and management. I have been a PBRCA member since 2019 where I learned to fly RC airplanes 5 years ago and started flying helicopters about 2 years ago. I flew full scale single engine aircraft for a number of years and I can be found at both the heli and fixed wing fields most every weekday.

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Princeton rose


Born in Jamaica, I’ve been in and out of the hobby over the past 55 years.  Started with control line planes at 12, and over the years built and flew R/C planes in New York, and R/C planes and helicopters in Atlanta with the Georgia Model Aviators.  Took a break from 2010 until my retirement in 2020.  Since July 2020, I’ve been trying to make up for lost time and recently got into EDF jets.  Like to have something on the bench, either building or rebuilding.  Joined PBRCA in 2014 when we moved to Florida and became active in the club in 2021. 

david spielman

Secretary and Membership Chair

Radio control aviation has been a passion I’ve had for well over 25 years. It’s an important part of my life and the PBRCA’s Westervelt field is a main reason I retired here in Florida. Like many of you, the passion for RC is therapy for the sole, a place where we can unwind and cope with pressures work and life serves us on a daily basis. In my position as one of PBRCA board members, I feel I can help our members fuel their passion for RC Aviation. You may know me as the guy who sends out membership cards and emails. I also build, repair and fly planes when I’m not doing something for the club.
Say hello at the field.
David Spielman
Membership Coordinator & Club Secretary

David for About.jpg

Gary Hoffman

Chief Safety Officer

I am an engineer at Pratt Whitney and I’ve been flying RC plane since 2009. I was president of the Concord Aero guidance Society in Concord New Hampshire for two years. I was safety officer at Southern New Hampshire Flying Eagles, and I was secretary of RCACES  in Hampton New Hampshire.

jon Gerber

Chief Training Officer

seth sterling

Director at Large

From control line as a kid, to r/c flight for the last 45 years, flying has been a big part of my life. And during that time I’ve enjoyed serving on the boards of five r/c clubs. I’m also proud to be one of the original PBRCA members, and can usually be found flying both fixed wing and helis every Monday through Friday.

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